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Hope Slim Sachet

The rosy aura of promise and positivity, Hope lifts the senses in a boosting formulation of exuberant fruits, warming spice, pure sweet vanilla. Keep this fragrance on hand all year long to create a homey atmosphere.

Each Greenleaf sachet is made in the USA with biodegradable materials and lasts up to nine months.

Sachet Uses

  • Stow a sachet in storage bins, shoe or hat boxes, drawers, hampers and lockers to keep items smelling fresh.
  • Place a sachet in a coat closet, in a guest room and under a welcome mat to create a pleasant aroma for visitors.
  • Keep a bathroom clean and fresh by hiding a sachet behind the toilet, under the sink, in a linen closet or near the trash can.
  • Try using a sweet or spicy fragrance in the kitchen. Display a sachet on small easels in your kitchen or clip a sachet to the front of the refrigerator.
  • Open envelope, and add contents with a little water to a simmering pot or warmer.
  • A sachet helps keep luggage fresh while traveling. Carry one with you to freshen up hotel rooms or vacation homes, and leave it behind as a gift.
  • Revitalize your workspace by placing a sachet in your office or cubicle, dorm room or classroom.
  • Place near vents or on radiator to circulate a sweet scent or attach a ribbon or hook to a sachet and hang from ceiling fans.
  • Pet areas smell fresher when you place a sachet near a cat litter box. You can also store one near pet beds or pet crates.
  • Holidays smell sweeter when you include a sachet in your storage of gift wrap, decorations and seasonal décor. 
